Board of Directors - Master

Board of Directors
Master Association


Board of Directors - Master Association
The affairs of the Master Association are governed by a Master Board of Directors. Article III of our Amended and Restated Master Bylaws outlines the composition of, qualifications for, and voting and nomination requirements for the Master Board of Directors, including but not limited to:
  • The Board consists of an odd number of, not less than three (3) nor more than five (5), Directors.
  • All Directors must be a Member of the Master Association (owner, co-owners are ineligible).
  • All Directors, with the exception of one (1) Director, must reside at their TCV property.
  • All elected Directors serve a term of three (3) years.
  • All appointed Directors serve the remainder of the term for the Director they replace.
  • Staggered Director terms establish that one (1) Director term expires and elected or reelected each year.

Election and Voting
The Association conducts an electronic election for each Director, using a third-party electronic voting vendor, along with proxy and paper ballot options. The voting period is scheduled the weeks before, and the election results announced at, the Annual Meeting of the Members.

Member voting rights and Master Board of Directors election requirements are outlined in our Amended and Restated Master Bylaws:
  • Article II. Membership: Meetings, Quorum, Voting, Proxies
    • Annual and Special meetings
    • Notice of Member meetings and elections
    • Member voting: proxy, absentee, electronic
  • Article III. Master Board of Directors: Number, Powers, Meetings
    • Composition, rights, and powers 
    • Nomination and election
    • Vacancy and removal
    • Meeting requirements

Ex Officio Director
The Member-elected Master Board of Directors may appoint up to two (2) Ex Officio Directors. As specified in Section 7 of Amendment 1 of our Bylaws, this Director type:
  • May not count toward quorum for Meetings of the Board of Directors.
  • May not vote as a Director.
  • May attend Meetings of the Board of Directors.
  • May attend Executive Sessions of the Board of Directors.
  • Serves a term of one year.
  • May be appointed, or re-appointed after their term is expired, by a vote of the Master Board of Directors.

Meeting Records (Member Only) for more information about our four (4) meeting types, including:
  • Descriptions of and requirements for each type.
  • Purpose, scope, and scheduling requirements.
  • Member notification requirements.
  • Minutes for past meeting.
  • Links to supporting documentation. 

You can directly contact each Director using the link in their sub-menu drop-down section.
Shelly Wright

Shelly Beaird Wright, Director
Shelly at:
Where are you originally from?
I was born in Norman, OK, but really grew up right down the road in Pflugerville!
How long have you lived in Turtle Creek?
I’ve lived in Round Rock and Turtle Creek since it opened in October of 2003. I was the second neighbor to move in!
Why did you move to Turtle Creek and what do you love about it?
Originally (to be frank), I just loved the white picket fences and the adorable houses!! But now that I have watched the community develop and have seen how the alleys and front porches encourage good neighbors, I love the community feel. I love the people here so much. I love that I can call any of several people and ask a quick favor, to help me move something, to check on my dog, to grab a package off the porch. I know many places have great neighbors, but I think we’ve cornered the market!
What are your goals for Turtle Creek?
There have been many things that I - and the Board - have learned in recent months, with opportunities to help people, answer questions, and encourage involvement. I would like to make sure that continues. Long term, I want our community to be as self-sustaining as possible, continuing to work toward a better community and neighborly feel.
What are your hobbies?
I am a huge scrapbooking nerd - lots of paper, stickers, glue, and sparklies. We also have a dog and a cat - unfortunately, we lost 2 of our dogs this past year, but I am CERTAIN there will be another “fur baby” coming home soon. Love spending time with my husband of nearly 8 years and friends in the neighborhood - especially when margaritas are involved!

When is your Birthday?
Dec 15th - 10 days before Christmas! Being so close, I usually try to start celebrating in...say... August?!
What are your favorite things to eat?
Well, I mentioned the margaritas already, right? I love the migas at Casa Garcia’s - really just about any Mexican food will do!
What’s your day job?
I am the media director at a small advertising agency in Austin. Media director types help figure out where to run commercials - which stations or other media vehicles - billboards, print ads, digital banner ads etc, which programs and times. I spend a lot of time playing with research, data, and SPREADSHEETS, another hobby of mine!
Melissa Glouchkova

Melissa Glouchkova, Director
Melissa at:
Where are you from:
I’m originally from Corpus Christi, TX - born and raised.  After graduating from college with a degree in Interior Design, I moved to Austin from San Antonio first in 1992 - 1994, and back again in 1996 to dance with Tapestry Dance Company and to be with Vlad.  I’ve been here ever since.  
How long have you lived in Turtle Creek:
Vlad and I moved into Turtle Creek in August of 2004.  The two houses on either side of us weren’t even built yet.  We’ve been here ever since and have grown to love the neighborhood and our regular “peeps” we see on daily walks with the dog.  Callison Elementary wasn’t even built yet; so when our oldest daughter attended kindergarten, she went to Gattis School Elementary until second grade.  I’ve watched TC change over the years - from people moving in and out to the landscape as well, but it still feels like home.  
Why did you move to TC:
After looking in the Austin area for homes, we landed on TC due to affordability, great RRISD schools (I was teaching dance at Westwood High School at the time - one of many jobs), it’s location, but mostly because it reminded me of Hyde Park and was new!  I’m partial to the architectural style.  
What is your career:
I’ve been a certified Pilates instructor since 1998.  In 2015, I opened my own Pilates studio here in RR - Center Pointe Pilates.  After commuting to Castle Hill Fitness in downtown Austin for 10 years where I was a Master Pilates Trainer, I decided to bite the bullet and do my own thing.  I will celebrate 10 years this June.  I also am heavily involved in teaching ballet and work for Metamorphosis Dance Academy and Company.  I’ve been in ballet since I was 3 years old.  Vlad and I met because of ballet - when we were cast as the Arabian dance in The Nutcracker.  
What are your hobbies:
Obviously I love to move.  I’ve always said I’d be a good construction worker as I am detailed and, I love to paint, rearrange and organize spaces, just physically move and I like grunt work.  I  also enjoy reading, knitting, dancing, walking, visiting with friends, art, anything in the fine arts, being outdoors in cooler weather, teaching and learning about others around me.  I have a curious mind.
Vlad is from Vorkuta, Russia where he grew up dancing with a folk dance troupe. We have two girls - Misha who is a ballerina and dances professionally with The Washington Ballet (DC), and Maia who will be at UT this fall (’24).  We have two cats and a pup.  I’d take more, but Vlad won’t let me.  
Ken Hicks
Sample text
Ken Hicks, Ex Officio Director
Ken at:
Association Bylaws