Governing Documents

Turtle Creek Village
Governing Documents

Welcome to our TCV Governing Documents content, providing owners with access to the legal, recorded documents (in downloadable PDF form) that establish and govern the Turtle Creek Village Owners Association.
The drop-down sections below contain descriptions of and document links for our electronic PDF documents, including but not limited to our: 
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Amended and Restated Bylaws
  • Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (Declaration, DCCRs)
  • Board-Adopted Resolutions and Policies 
  • Document Amendments
  • Townhome Service Area Documents
  • Condominium Sub-Association Manual
  • Recorded Pool Rules
  • Architectural Fast Track Guidelines
  • more . . . 
These documents are also available on the Smartwebs Resident Portal in the Documents section of your account dashboard. 

Due to a limitation of our website interface, we are unable to link directly to content contained in a drop-down section. If you landed here from a Governing Documents link on our website, you will need to reference the content that linked you here to locate your specific document in its section below.

Unofficial, Searchable Documents

For these unofficial documents, we have converted the two most commonly used documents into a cleaner, easier-to-read, keyword-searchable pdf. 
Every effort was made to make sure the content matches the recorded documents. In any disparity, the official, recorded document supersedes.
Unofficial Bylaws (updated July 2019)
  - includes changed text from the Amendment recorded 7/15/2019
  - includes changed text from Amendments 1 through 9
Pool Rules (updated 2018)
  - starting May 2024, also available online in the Pool Card Request Waiver

Master Association - Recorded Documents

This section includes links to the official and recorded documents that establish and govern both the Master Association and the Condo Sub-Association. The Condo Sub-Association has an additional community manual that governs additional aspects of the sub-association.
This manual contains the following documents:
• Articles of Incorporation
• Bylaws (outdated, effective June 2019)
• Solar Device Policy / Energy Efficient Roofing Policy
• Rainwater Harvesting System Policy
• Flag Display and Flagpole Installation Policy
• Display of Certain Religious Items Policy
• Fine and Enforcement Policy
• Assessment Collection Policy
• Records Inspection, Copying, and Retention Policy
• Statutory Notice of Posting and Recordation of Association Governing Documents
• Statutory Notice of Annual Meetings, Elections, and Voting
• Statutory Notice of Conduct of Board Meetings
Amended and Restated Bylaws (recorded June 2019)
Amendment 1 (recorded July 2019)
(also referred to as DCCRs or Declaration)
Amendments to the Declaration
Amendment 1          • Amendment 2          • Amendment 3
Amendment 4          • Amendment 5          • Amendment 6
Amendment 7          • Amendment 8          • Amendment 9
Townhome Service Area Documents

Master Association - Board-Adopted Resolutions

Documents in this section have been adopted by the Board of Directors and recorded. Again, there is an official recorded document and a keyword-searchable document for each resolution. The unofficial documents also include the full color of the photo examples. The Official Recorded versions do not clearly show the photos.
In any disparity, the official, recorded document supersedes.
Official and Recorded:
Unofficial document versions: (posted only for keyword searchability, clear text, and images)

Condo Sub-Association - Recorded Documents

The Condo Sub-Association is part of the Master Association, paying dues to help maintain Master Association common elements. They also pay dues to the Condo Sub-Association for additional, condo-only elements and services. 

The Condo Sub-Association is subject to Master Association documents and Condo Sub-Association documents, with Master Association documents superseding when a disparity occurs.
For more information, contact the sub-association’s management company.
For more information, contact either the Master or Condo management company or the Board.