Social Media used by Turtle Creek Village
Facebook (closed group): Turtle Creek Village has a Facebook group for our community. You can use this group to stay connected or share information with your neighbors! The Association tries to include relevant updates and/or correct information in the group as well.
When you request to Join the group, you will be prompted to email the Facebook group admin to verify your residence in the neighborhood. Owners that can be confirmed with Association records will be accepted. Renters will need to provide proof of residence, usually in the form of a photo of a utility bill showing the neighborhood address and the name of the person requesting to join. Contact the
Facebook admin for more info.
The Association cannot control incorrect information posted on the Facebook group, but Board Members tries to post corrected information, as needed.
NextDoor: Turtle Creek Village has a “neighborhood” set up on the NextDoor app and website. The Association has no control over membership, joining, or incorrect information shared on the NextDoor app. The Board does not monitor or correct info on NextDoor.