Effective May 1, 2024, the Turtle Creek Village Master Association is managed by Ascension Property Management.
The Master Association’s
Board of Directors is contracted with
Ascension Property Management (APM) to handle the operations of the Master Association. The management company, with cooperation from the Board, oversees account collections, vendor payments, violation enforcement, and maintenance of the community common areas.
Ascension Property Management, LLC
Manager: Heather Lankford
Owned and operated by: Paul Yehl and Melissa Yehl
Contact Information
For all contact options,

Assessments & Payments
Resident Portal Information
Resale Certificate Information
Transfer Fee: $100
Resale Certificate Fee: $375
Management Company Emails
By default, our management company uses the email address on file for you to send notifications and information, such as your payment invoices, balance statements, meeting announcements, pool notifications, etc.
To ensure you can receive these emails, you may consider:
(711 Rolling Oak and 1701 Logan)
The Condo Sub-Association’s
Board of Directors is contracted with
RealManage to handle the operations of the Condo Sub-Association. The management company, with cooperation from the Board, oversees account collections, vendor payments, violation enforcement, and maintenance.

RealManage, LLC
Manager: Kat Aleman
Contact Information
Last updated May 2024